Vision Sunday

September 4, 2022

Pastor Patrick talked about the vision of the church in two parts: 1. changes coming and 2. church values. A video of the message is here. [Conversation Starters will begin again with the start of the next official life groups session on September 11th.]

Patrick mentioned that TimberCreek Church was founded to follow Jesus, find freedom, and fulfill purpose. With just a little tweek, this is exactly what the Torah is about: 1. know God, 2. be free, and 3. fulfill your mission to be a kingdom of priests for the nations (spread ethical monotheism).

1. Know God. The entire Bible is about knowing God. God wants us to know Him. Many stories and instructions of the Torah are about revealing God and his purposes and providing us a way to get closer to Him.

2. Be free. Literally, the entire Exodus story is about being free. But it's far more than getting out of slavery. One could argue the entire Torah is about getting free of "false gods," as the anti-pagan language of the Torah would say. We might call these "addictions" today. Be free of chasing things that matter less than God, like fame, money, drugs, ratings, etc. Be free to chase God.

3. Fulfill purpose. We must learn what God wants us to do in the world, and go do it. Everything you need to know in this regard is in the Bible. And I would say the Torah (Genesis through Deuteronomy) has the bulk of it. Specifics on how to live a better life and build a better society are there, sometimes buried in archaic language or ancient cultural norms to which we cannot relate. But once exposed, well, it's a beautiful thing.

After going through some structural changes coming up (going digital, family ministry priority, life groups, serve teams, a new physical space, and focusing on God's word in an upcoming message series), Patrick outlined TimberCreek's core values:

  • Jesus is our message
  • People are our priority
  • Generosity is our privilege
  • Excellence (not perfection) is our spirit
  • Serving is our identity
With one little tweek, changing "Jesus" to "God," the Torah has the very same values and pushes them at every opportunity. Let's make a little homework opportunity out of this... For an upcoming group meeting, bring an example in the Torah that reflects each of these values.


In Exodus 32:8, after the Golden Calf incident, God and Moses are talking (arguing) about what to do with the Israelites who are behaving so poorly. God says, "They have turned aside quickly from my ways." Why didn't God say "from Me"? Prager points out that even more important than believing in God is to follow God's ways, do as God instructs.

By the way, this illustrates a method Prager encourages for reading anything, including the Torah. Always ask yourself questions like: why does it say this and not that?, why is that repeated (seems redundant)?, what's missing?, and the like. This advice has served me well..

What Does The Torah Say!?
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Most recent first:

12/15/24: Find True Joy
12/8/24: Unwrap the Gift of Peace
12/1/24: Hope in the Darkness
11/24/24: Trust in the Waiting
11/17/24: Gal.: Carry Others' Burdens
11/10/24: Gal.: Battle Within Us
11/3/24: Gal.: Live in Freedom
10/27/24: Gal.: Embracing Our Identity
10/20/24: Gal.: Purpose of the Law
10/13/24: Galations: Live by Faith
10/6/24: Galations: Justified by Faith
9/29/24: Galations: Jesus Did It All
9/22/24: Holy Spirit: Filled/Permeates
9/15/24: Holy Spirit: Power
9/8/24: Holy Spirit: Intro
9/1/24: Process of Becoming
8/25/24: Build a Gathering
8/18/24: Get Planted
8/11/24: Meta: Who Do You Say I Am?
8/4/24: Meta: Living Water
rap the 7/28/24: Meta: Be Pruned and Abide
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7/14/24: Meta: Knowledge to Action?
7/7/24: Meta: Resurrection & the Life
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6/23/24: Metaphors: I am the Door
6/16/24: Metaphors: Light of the World
6/9/24: Metaphors: Bread of Life
6/2/24: Metaphors: Introduction
5/26/24: Living Together: Conflict
5/19/24: Living Together: Generations
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5/5/24: Living Together: Marriage
4/28/24: That Hurt: You (Guilt)
4/21/24: That Hurt: God's People
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3/3/24: BMN: Mental Health
2/25/24: BMN: Financial Freedom
2/18/24: Be Made New: Stress
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1/28/24: Who are You Following?
1/21/24: Where Are You Going?
1/14/24: Change Your Direction
1/7/24: Finding God's Path
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12/24/23: Christmas Eve
12/17/23: Building Families
12/10/23: Make Room
12/3/23: Ephesians #13
11/26/23: Ephesians #12
11/19/23: Ephesians #11
11/12/23: Ephesians #10
11/5/23: Ephesians #9
10/29/23: Ephesians #8
10/22/23: Ephesians #7
10/15/23: Ephesians #6
10/8/23: Ephesians #5
10/1/23: Ephesians #4
9/24/23: Ephesians #3
9/17/23: Ephesians #2
9/10/23: Ephesians #1
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6/18/23: Forgive and Forget
6/11/23: Don't Follow Your Heart
6/4/23: Misquoted
5/28/23: More Meals, Less Messages
5/21/23: Grace and Truth
5/14/23: Community/Communion
5/7/23: Circles > Rows
4/30/23: Old School: 4
4/23/23: Old School: 3
4/16/23: Old School: 2
4/9/23: Old School: 1
4/2/23: Life You've Wanted: 9
3/26/23: Life You've Wanted: 8
3/19/23: Life You've Wanted: 7
3/12/23: Life You've Wanted: 6
3/5/23: Life You've Wanted: 5
2/26/23: Life You've Wanted: 4
2/19/23: Life You've Wanted: 3
2/12/23: Life You've Wanted: 2
2/5/23: Life You've Wanted: 1
1/29/23: Life You've Wanted: Intro
1/22/23: Detox #3
1/15/23: Detox #2
1/8/23: Detox #1
1/1/23: New Year's Day
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12/18/22: The Gift: 3
12/11/22: The Gift: 2
12/4/22: The Gift: 1
11/27/22: Book of James: 8
11/20/22: Book of James: 7
11/13/22: Book of James: 6
11/6/22: Book of James: 5
10/30/22: Book of James: 4
10/23/22: Book of James: 3
10/16/22: Book of James: 2
10/9/22: Book of James: 1
10/2/22: Re-Assembly Required: 4
9/25/22: Re-Assembly Required: 3
9/18/22: Re-Assembly Required: 2
9/11/22: Re-Assembly Required: 1
9/4/22: Vision Sunday
8/28/22: Outdoors/Baptisms
8/21/22: Temple: 3
8/14/22: Temple: 2
8/7/22: Temple: 1
7/31/22: Extraordinary: 10
7/24/22: Extraordinary: 9
7/17/22: Extraordinary: 8
7/10/22: Extraordinary: 7
7/3/22: Extraordinary: 6
6/26/22: Extraordinary: 5
6/19/22: Extraordinary: 4
6/12/22: Extraordinary: 3
6/5/22: Extraordinary: 2
5/29/22: Extraordinary: 1
5/22/22: Mindset
5/15/22: Heart & Soul: 5 (Contribute)
5/8/22: Heart & Soul: 4 (Growth)
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5/1/22: Heart & Soul: 3 (Connection)
4/24/22: Heart & Soul: 2 (Worship)
4/17/22: Heart & Soul: 1
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4/3/22: Limitless: 9 Wholeness
3/27/22: Limitless: 8 Healed
3/20/22: Limitless: 7 Healed
3/13/22: Limitless: 6 Healed
3/6/22: Limitless: 5 Freed
2/27/22: Limitless: 4 Freed
2/20/22: Limitless: 3 Freed
2/13/22: Limitless: 2 Saved
2/6/22: Limitless: 1 Sozo
1/30/22: Chasing Carrots: 4
1/23/22: Chasing Carrots: 3
1/16/22: Chasing Carrots: 2
1/9/22: Chasing Carrots: 1
1/2/22: Home 4the Holidays: 2
12/26/21: Home 4the Holidays: 1
12/19/21: Christmas Stories: 3
12/12/21: Christmas Stories: 2
12/5/21: Christmas Stories: 1
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11/21/21: Holy Spirit: Fruit
11/14/21: Holy Spirit: Filled
11/7/21: Holy Spirit: Power
10/31/21: Holy Spirit: Intro
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9/5/21: OMG: No Recording
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8/15/21: Money Management
8/8/21: Time Management