
Call Upon the Name of the Lord
Ash Wednesday
Love, Guaranteed (Movie)
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness; So Is Beauty
Recently Discovered 1500-year-old Monastery with Deut. 28:6 Mosaic
Valentines Day
Golf Tournament to Sponsor a Bible Translation
All Kinds of Rituals Then and Now
Dunning-Kruger Effect
T.H.I.N.K. Before You Speak
Old Leaders, Young Leaders
Psalm 23 (more)
Peaceful Transition of Power
"Everybody can be great..." MLK, Jr.
Psalm 23:1
Winning Strategies
Do, Then Understand
"Hanukkah Miracle" - Ancient Coins Discovered
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (Movie)
The Heavens Tell the Glory of God
How to Bless Your Children
Behavior is More Important than Feelings
History of New Year's Eve Ball Drop at Times Square
Oldest Copy of the Ten Commandments
Biblical Hebrew: No Word "Obey"
Christmas Tree Cluster
Native Americans and Christianity
Amen and Emunah
Meet Me at the Christmas Train Parade
Weightlessness ≠ Zero Gravity
Book of Numbers: Right Off the Bat
Crossfire Ministries Wish List
Reap What You Sow
Septuagint: What it is and How it Helps
World View Matters
13-Star Serapis Flag
175 (קעה) Essay Entries (About Biblical Numbers and
Caring for the Orphans - Fostering Hope Foundation
Meet Me Next Christmas
Veterans Day
The Torah Part II: Cain & Abel to Joseph
Abraham Dies Peacefully and is Gathered to His Kin
Out November 19th - Rational Bible: Numbers
Who was Keturah?
A Visit with St. Nicholas
The Torah Part I: Creation to Adam & Eve
Sukkot - Festival of Booths
Israel Made the West. Israel Is Saving the West.
Remember: POW-MIA
Biblical Economic Policy
Do Not Fear
The Meaning of Hallelujah
The Best Form of Government is Bible-based
What the Bible Says About Economics
Justice Versus Compassion
"Evening to Morning" = "Chaos to Order"
Great Strides Toward Ending Slavery
Cleanliness is Next to Godliness
What Does God Want Most of Us?
My Dad's Hebrew Bible from Seminary
Old Testament Names for God
Mother Cabrini Shrine on Lookout Mt.
On to the Book of Joshua
Opening Ceremonies / Pagans / Judeo-Christian Values
Great Are You Lord
Abraham: Action Summary
The Lyre
Tithing - One Perspective
Justice, Justice
"Do not be Afraid"
New British Prime Minister is a Practicing Jew
Ten Ideas the Torah Gave the World
Flags of the Torah
Laws in Deuteronomy
Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot (Movie)
Something to Stand For (Movie)
Railroad Chapel Cars
The American Trinity
Best Advertisement for Atheism
Notes from "Creation Part 2" (PILLAR)
For the Poor and Strangers
Another License Plate: HASHEM
Why is There No Tribe of Joseph?
Joseph: Genesis and the Quran
Evil (the TV series)
IF (the movie)
The Little Things
Most Impactful Bible Verse
Joseph's "Technicolor Dreamcoat"
Jacob's New Name Israel - What Does It Mean?
October 7: In Their Own Words
Biblical Grandparenting
If Christianity Dies, the West Dies
Creation: Themes and Tidbits
Greatest Commandment = The Shema
Pretzels: Christian Connection
Holy Week: Monday at the Temple
The Right Religion?
Truth, Justice, and the American Way
Why David?
What's in a Name? (Noah's Sons)
Reductions of the 613 Laws
You Really are Your Own Worst Enemy
In the Beginning... of What?
Babel: It's About the City, not the Tower
God Writes in His Own Hand (Four Times)
Vision Beyond Yourself
Prohibited Work on the Sabbath
The Lost Three
A Tamarisk Tree in Beersheba
Why Keep the Sabbath
Jesus Christ Superstar - 50th Anniversary Tour
Does the "Old Covenant" Require Perfection?
Honor Your Ancestors
Know Before Whom You Stand
Prolepsis - Is the Narrative Out of Order?
The Second Miraculous Parting of Water
Brief Summary of the Old Testament Narrative
Bible Baseball
Naughty or Nice
How to Pick a Religion
Fourth Sunday of Advent - Peace
Christmas Movie Wisdom
O Magnum Mysterium
Third Sunday of Advent - Joy
(C)Han(n)uk(k)ah & Dreid(le)(el)(l)s
Second Sunday of Advent - Love
Christmas Movies
First Sunday of Advent - Hope
Journey to Bethlehem (movie)
The Mezuzah Project - "We Are All Jews"
Be Still and Know That I am God
The Shema (Sh'ma)
Are Christians Beholding to the Old Testament?
What to Make of the Middle East
Sukkot - Festival of Booths
Les Miserables
Oracles of God: The Story of The Old Testament
We never get to our Promised Lands
No Pain, No Gain
Favorite Benediction
"The Ten Commandments Applied Today"
Bible "Stats"
Route 60: The Biblical Highway (movie)
The Hill (Movie)
"I Will Be With You"
Oh, God! (the Movie)
Timnath, CO
Fractal Differentiation
Are People Basically Good?
Altar Construction
Sound of Freedom
Some more Patriotic Resources
4th of July Seder
To Covet
To the Glory of God
The Trolley Problem
Joseph's dungeons and pits
Shavuot and Pentecost
Judeo-Christian Values
Don't Hate Egyptians
"Cut Off"
Lies are the Root of Most Evil
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
Slavery: Torah's Evolutionary Approach
Remember to Remember
Passover/Seder Q&A
Torah Teachings/Instructions about Passover
DailyWire/Jordan Peterson: Exodus Workshop, Part 2
The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis
Glory of the Lord (Ezekiel's Vision)
Cases too Baffling
Judeo-Christian Values
Prayer Suggestion
Letter to the American Church
Jordan Peterson: Exodus
To Life: the Movie
Dominion over Nature
God is not Enough
Ten Commandments
"That you may live"
Favorite Nativity Scenes
Cathedrals in Time
Love Your Neighbor as Yourself (Lev. 19:18)
"I am the Lord your God"
"Holy Land"
Collective Guilt
Foreign Fire
Torah "Accidents"
Torah = Law ?
Leviticus: Sacrificial System
Final Laws entering the Promised Land
Intro to Book of James (NT)
Problem with elites hasn't changed
What's Missing?
Do as God instructs
Statue of Moses with "horns"
Joseph is only Jew refered to as righteous
Passover Seder/Festival
Passover doesn't mention Moses
Passover matzah
Passover Seder Etiquette
Fun movie about a Passover Seder
Animals re. Sabbath. The phrase "Lord your God."
"How great are Your works, O Lord." Lunar eclipse.
Two types of societal evil
Showing kindness to strangers
Context is key to moral questions
Who sold Joseph into slavery?
First recorded transracial adoption
First recorded act of civil disobedience
Set of two signs/miracles shown to Moses alone
Things we missed in Sunday School, e.g. blood smeared on doorposts
Why Liberator and not Creator?
At Sinai, God speaks to all and individually
Promises, promises
Urim and Tummim

About This Page

Beginning in February of 2022, I've been adding "Bonus" items to most of my weekly essays: What Does The Torah Say (WDTTS). These "Bonus" items give me a chance to talk about anything I wanted to talk about whether related to the day's message, or not.

At left is an index to these Bonus items.

Note: When I'm studying Torah, usually verse-by-verse and verse-after-verse, I often write "Bonus" or "Word" on the side of my note paper to remind me that this would be a good item for the Bonuses at the end of a weekly WDTTS essay and/or a good word to highlight in the Words section. By often, I mean probably half the verses! Given that there are 5845 verses in the Torah, I have a lot of potential Bonus and Word entries! I tell you this to encourage you to look at these "tangential" items. I think there's good meat there, too.