Torah Talks
Jamie Foster offers to lead, talk to, study with any group about the Torah (first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). He guarantees you'll gain some new understanding and perspectives. Jamie thought he had some grasp of these stories from a lifetime of church going. Let's just say he missed a lot over all the years. The goal is to understand the meaning and lessons in these texts. As Dennis Prager likes to point out all the time, Torah means Teach(er), not The Law. It teaches real life and much wisdom with which to deal with real life, for the individual, for the family, and for society.Moral clarity on the big issues is the key to making moral choices throughout life. What's your guide book for your set of values? Mine is the Bible, and increasingly the Torah in particular. As Prager puts it, the Torah is The Manufacturer's Instruction Manual for the Human Being.
Make time to study the Torah! You'll be: elevated, happier; a better person.
What Does The Torah Say!?
Or WDTTS for short, see tab above. In August of 2021, I started a series of weekly essays to ask that question about the Sunday morning message at TimberCreek Church (TCC), Monument, CO where we attend. It's turned out to be a great journey, and even spawned two other sections to this website: Words and Bonuses (see the tabs above). Words is a listing of interesting Hebrew words that when understood properly bring a clearer and deeper understanding of the text. Bonuses are short essays that let me talk about anything I want to talk about.Very Flexible Scheduling
Jamie is willing to discuss with you most any type of schedule you'd prefer, from a 1-time 30-minute talk to a full-blown, verse-by-verse study through the entire Torah. In-person and/or online. Jamie is in Colorado Springs. Never any charge.Talks and courses can readily be adjusted for various age groups starting with 5th-6th graders through senior adults.
Here's a sampling of possible 1-time talk topics:
- Your Choice: request any topic about which the Torah might have something to say!
- Mother of All Evil
- You Can Do It
- Do not Favor the Poor
- American Idols
- Moses Blows It, Twice
- Holiness Guards Ethics
- That's not Kosher
- Torah and Slavery
- Clothing Makes the Man
- Can we say God-Fearing any more?
- For many more, go to Topics
Contact Jamie to discuss possibilities...
About Jamie

They say one reaches a mastery level when reaching 10,000 hours of experience in the field. That's about 5 years at 40 hours per week. Jamie's got his 10,000+ hours in each of these fields: software development, small business, geology/gemology, teaching, railroading, and financial operations. While he's spent a lifetime immersed in the Presbyterian church, the Methodist church, and now an independent church, not much of that time was spent specifically on the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament, Genesis through Deuteronomy). However, since early 2020, Jamie's put in about 40% of those 10,000 hours studying Torah. Slowly but steadily, he's getting there. Join him on this journey!
Jamie's other interests and websites are listed here: (big/mixed family living, U.S. flags, church back in CA including various specific topics, railroading, theater, and photography).